Monday, December 30, 2019

Rehiring Former Employees

Rehiring Former EmployeesRehiring Former EmployeesREHIRING FORMER EMPLOYEES94% of senior managers would consider rehiring a former employee57% Very likely37% Somewhat likely5% Somewhat unlikely1% Very unlikely52% of workers would consider returning to a former employer21% Very likely31% Somewhat likely27% Somewhat unlikely21% Very unlikelyTop reasons job seekers wouldnt apply for a job at a previous employer1 Dissatisfaction with management2 Poor organizational culture fit3 Unfulfilling job duties4 Bridges burned by companyBenefits of Hiring Boomerang Employees+ Proven job performance and skill sets+ Can quickly assimilate and begin contributing to the team+ Require less training due to familiarity with company+ Known fit with the organizational culture+ Bring newly added skills, knowledge and experience

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Source and Interview an IT Project Manager

How to Surce and Interview an IT Project ManagerHow to Source and Interview an IT Project ManagerHow to Source and Interview an IT Project Manager RossheimDoes your company have a needto hire an ITproject manager?Though an ITproject manager isnt upper management, recruiting for the positioncan often bea complex undertaking.These ITrecruiting tips on how to source and interview project managers, information technology, will help you find the talent you need.How to Source IT Project ManagersProjects managers can be sourced through a variety of organizational affiliationsRecent recipients of relevant certifications may be ready to change companiesRecruiting TipsMost clients are asking for five years of experience in IT and project management, says Jim Gibson of Gibson Consultants. They may settle for something thats close to that.The stuff that turns up quality candidates is networking, says Leah Mason, director of operations at Four Kitchens, a web design and development firm. That mea ns referrals from within, recommendations from peer firms, and our involvement in open-source development communities, from local meetups to internal forums and conferences on digital project management. We keep eye open for people who could be the right fit.How to Interview Project Managers, Information TechnologyThese tips will help you prepare to conduct an interviewAsk the candidate to address complex hypothetical scenarios that involve technical, organizational and interrolleal challengesCandidates should meet with the full range of prospective colleagues managers, peers and reports. Be sure your staff knows how to conduct an interview.Recruiting TipsBehavioral interview questions are extremely important for evaluating the candidates talents, both technical and nontechnical, says Gibson. You need to get to how the candidate thinks. Why do they want to do this job, take this career path? Its important to under their skin.We first do a phone screen, just to see that the candidate can connect with us via video chat and have intelligent conversation, and to check for any red flags, says Mason. Then one of our subject matter experts will have a much more in-depth conversation with candidates who pass the phone screen - an in-person interview if the person is local, to see how their levels of energy and excitement come through when we talk about what our company does. More ResourcesHow to Hire an ITProject ManagerHow to Conduct an Interview and Impress Top CandidatesAre Your Guilty of these Hiring Mistakes?

Friday, December 20, 2019

What Happened When I Stopped Trying to Out-Man The Men At Work

What Happened When I Stopped Trying to Out-Man The Men At WorkWhat Happened When I Stopped Trying to Out-Man The Men At Work Weve all seen the sad and discouraging statistics on the state of women in technology leadership positions Only seven percent of investor money goes to women-led startups just five percent of leadership positions in the technology industry are held by women women are mora likely than men to leave tech positions (41 percent vs. 17 percent) . Yet for a long time, I didnt think about being a woman in a male-dominated field. I just focused on being the best.I grew up in Alaska playing basketball and ice hockey. In the classroom, I set the curve. I am competitive on every level, but mostly with myself. When I entered the very male-dominated worlds of financial services and technology , I didnt give a thought to gender or that I was often the only woman in the room. I knew how to compete. I studied how my peers succeeded and modeled their behavior. I started dressing like a man (blue suit with that God-awful silk bow tie), swearing like a man, dominating conversations like a man. And it worked. Until it didnt.I hit the wall when I took a role as a senior technology leader at a large Bay Area company. I was the first and only female leader on the team. I approached the job with the playbook that had served me so well - shoulders back and chin up, ready to tackle anything. I was driven, ambitious and wanted to make an impact.Quickly, I was labeled too aggressive and constantly posturing for the bosss job - actual quotes from a very negative performance review . The feedback didnt sit well with me. My truth was nothing like what I was hearing. The more I fought like a man, the worse my situation became.It was a turning point for me. I realized then that I cant out-man the men on my teams, and I shouldnt have to. It took me more than 20 years to grasp I will never be seen as a man, treated like a man or have the same rules as a man - so I need to embrace my feminine, authentic self. I need to celebrate the innate and unique gifts I bring to every workplace and every problem. When I made this shift, it didnt change the environment I was working in, but it made it easier for me.I stopped fighting so hard. I listened to Deborah Gruenfeld , a hochschulprofessor at the Stanford School of Business, talk about power and influence and how our bodies speak louder than our words. I realized that I could try to soften my words, or change my language and it wouldnt matter. So, I stopped physically posturing as a man, and I finally gave myself permission to relax my body. Suddenly conversations could be conversations versus confrontations.I tapped into all the emotions that lived within me - joy, fear, love, anger, surprise, disgust, sadness, courage and shame - and learned they all had a place, and that I could bring them to work. And I did. My peers responded, my staff responded, my boss responded. Best of all, I finally felt like myself. In honoring my femininity, I was able to be a better leader, and influence to greater impact.Fortunately, my own revelations came as the world started to wake up to the depth and breadth of unconscious bias in tech. The environment is changing, albeit slowly.The boss that gave me the harsh feedback went through unconscious-bias training. After class he came to me and apologized, realizing the feedback directed at me had been rooted in the fact that I was the only woman on the team rather than in my specific behavior.Bias shows up everywhere in the workplace. Its in the way job descriptions are written (the more specific and technical, the fewer female candidates apply) the makeup of the interview panel (if diverse candidates dont see anyone like them on the panel, theyll be less likely to accept the job) and in salary negotiation (women, who historically have earned less than men, start negotiating from a lower position, perpetuating the delta).And all of this bias happens before a woman even joins a company. Bias continues into the job, as managers use language to describe men as leaders and risk takers, and more communal language to describe women as relationship-oriented and empathetic, which leads to promotion at faster rates for men.Changing how you show up as a female tech leader in the office will not break through all of this inherent bias. Clearly, we still have significant work to do to change the statistics. As women, we have a responsibility around how we are showing up - and how we are asking men to show up for us. When we truly live into our power, we will be best positioned to make it happen.I have just taken a new role as Chief Technology and Operations Officer at DocuSign and this unapologetic woman is going to use every ounce of her power to make a difference for women here and everywhere.This article was originally published on Refinery29 . It is reprinted with permission.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

3 Emerging Trends Automotive Engineering

3 Emerging Trends Automotive Engineering 3 Emerging Trends Automotive Engineering Not too many people know automotive trends the way the staff does at The Ohio State Universitys Center for Automotive Research (OSU CAR). This interdisciplinary research center at OSUs College of Engineering focuses on advanced electric propulsion and energy storage systems, engines and alternative fuels, intelligent transportation and vehicular communication systems, autonomous vehicles, vehicle chassis systems, and vehicle safety.One of the biggest trends right now in automotive engineering is improving engine efficiency and fuel economy, says Giorgio Rizzoni, director of OSU CAR. This includes downsizing, down-speeding, direct fuel injection, and boosting.Other engineering trends focus on improving transmissions (adding speeds), accessory load reduction through the intelligent energy management of other vehicle components, vehicle electrification, hybridization, improved battery management systems, n ew battery chemistries, and power electronics.Weight reduction in vehicle subsystems is also being tested by using lightweight structures made from alternative materials such as aluminum, magnesium, composites, plastics, and multi-material construction, adds Rizzoni.OSU CAR battery aging laboratory. bild OSU CARBattery SystemsBattery management systems are being designed to meet performance, life, and warranty goals for both batteries and their monitoring and management systems. Automakers need to fully understand how varying operational limits affect the life of battery systems through extensive testing and modeling, followed by developing sophisticated algorithms to track and predict various parameters, such as state of charge and state of health through the life of the battery, comments Rizzoni.In order to expand battery operating range and reduce costs, some researchers are designing and testing new battery chemistries and subsystems. Advanced chemistries could allow batteries t o operate through greater temperature extremes, last longer, and reduce weight and cost. Other efforts are being made to reduce the cost of the ancillary systems, such as cooling, to further reduce the total cost of the battery system.Downsizing and TurbochargingThe two main benefits in downsizing an internal combustion engine are thermodynamic and mechanical. From a thermodynamic point of view, the engine operation will move towards higher loads, at which the engine efficiency is higher, says Rizzoni. From the mechanical point of view, the positive aspect lies in the reduction of the friction in the piston units, together with the reduction of the number of cylinders.Downsized engines are lighter than conventional engines, thereby reducing vehicle mass and the improving vehicle fuel consumption. Turbocharging recovers the energy of the exhaust gasses to increase the inducted charge, therefore increasing the power-to-displacement ratio. A downsized and turbocharged engine has the po tential to have the saatkorn or better performance as a non-downsized, normally aspirated engine, with the advantage of a significant increase of fuel efficiency, says Rizzoni.Advanced Combustion ModesEngineers are working to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines by developing several advanced combustion modes. One of these modes is called (homogeneous charge compression ignition) HCCI. In the HCCI combustion, a highly homogenized mixture of air, fuel, and combustion products from the previous cycle is auto-ignited by compression. This combustion mode aims at combining the advantages of modern diesel and gasoline combustion processes, namely low emissions and high efficiency, states Rizzoni.Another research trend targets ways to recover the energy that is normally dissipated through the coolant and the exhaust gas systems of automotive powertrains using innovative waste heat recovery devices. These systems can convert thermal energy into mechanical or electrical ene rgy, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the vehicle. Organic Rankine cycle, thermoelectric systems, turbocompounding, and recuperative thermal management systems all have potential for significantly increase engine efficiencies.A smaller but still significant aspect of fuel-efficiency research is called intelligent energy management. This ability to more intelligently control the accessory loads in a vehiclesuch as the alternator or power steering, etc.will also contribute to better gas mileage, says Rizzoni. With smarter control of these loads and the addition of stop-start technology there can be significant increases in fuel economy, with small or no increase in total vehicle cost.Mark Crawford is an independent writer.A downsized and turbocharged engine has the potential to have the same or better performance as a non-downsized, normally aspirated engine.Giorgio Rizzoni, director, OSU CAR

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

12 Tips for Connecting With Your Interviewer

12 Tips for Connecting With Your einstellungsgesprcher12 Tips for Connecting With Your InterviewerTheres a lot that determines yoursuccess in an interview-from how you answer questions to the questions you ask,andfrom the quality of your resume and portfolioto your timeliness and manners. Who Youll Interview With Who will you meet when you interview for a new job? There are a variety oftypes of job interviews, and who youll be talking to depends onboththe job and the organization. Yourinterview-especially for ascreening interview, afirst-roundinterview, or an interview with a large employer-may be with a human resources manager or recruiter,to assess your qualifications for the job. In this case, it will be aphone,video (e.g.,Skype), or in-personone-on-oneinterview. At smaller companies, your interviewer may be your prospective manager. In some cases, youllmeet with a panel- a group of people who will ask you questions about your qualifications. If the employer holdssecond interv iews, youll most likely meet with the person youll be reporting to, and you may also meet with prospective co-workers and/or direct reports. How To Build Rapport During a Job Interview Though its always important to be polite and professional, establishing a rapport with your interviewer is also key to success. If an interviewer feels an affinity for you as a person, he or sheismoralikelytofeel positive about hiring you as an employee. After all, employers look for recruits who interact effectively with co-workers, clients, and supervisors, and of course, everyone wants to work inapleasantenvironment. If you fail to connect with your interviewer during the interview, he or she might assume that youmaynotinteractwell withotherco-workersif you were hired, so its important to make a good impression. Accordingly,your interview preparationshould extend beyond what youwillsay during your meeting. You should also think about how youll relate to your interviewer on a personal level. The following suggestions will help you optimize the interpersonal component of your interview performance. 12 Tips for Connecting With Your Interviewer Start the interview the right way.Greet your recruiter warmly,as if he or she were a person you were looking forward to meeting. Say something like So glad to meet you as you exchange a firm,thoughnot crushing,Hereshow to introduce yourselfat a job interview.Be friendly and personable.Smile and exude personal warmth whenever appropriate during your meeting. Be genuine in your interactions and express positive emotions about the position and the company. Interviewers are more likely to view affable candidates favorably, so its important to be enthusiastic and optimistic. Show your interest in the person as well as the job. Show an interest in your interviewer during the warm-up phase of your interview by asking some questions about them. Making casual small talk before thesubstantive questioningbegins can help to put both you and yo ur interviewer at ease. Questionssuchas,How long have you worked here?,Have you had other roles at the firm?,or How long is your commute? can help torelaxyour interviewer andhelpthemwarmtoyou.Make it personal.When appropriate, share some personal information about yourself. Revealing some of your outside interests or background information can help an interviewer relate to you as a person. Remember good posture.Sit up straight and lean slightly forward towards your interviewers to engage them and showthatyoureinterestedin what they are saying.Eye contact is important.Make frequent,but not piercing,eye contact with the interviewer to demonstrate that you are listening carefully towhattheyresaying.Show your interest.Nod and activelyshow that you are listeningby saying things like,I see, I understand, Sounds good, and follow up with questions when appropriate.Pay attention to everyone.Inmultiple-interviewersituations, make sure you payequalattention to each person. It is important to e stablish a positive rapport withalloftheinterviewers,andnot just thosewithwhom you feel a natural chemistry. Hereshow to handle a group interview. Show that you get it.Paraphrase important or complex messages delivered by your interviewer to demonstrate that you understandhis/her point.Ask about company culture.Demonstrate your interest in thecompany culture, whether by asking a follow-up question or initiating the question on your own, so that your interviewer sees youre keen to become part of the team. For example, you might ask, Whats camaraderie like between employees?,Do co-workers ever get together outside of the office?,or Do you offer any team bonding opportunities or excursions?. Thank your interviewers.Express your sincere gratitude for their time and the insight that they have provided as you complete the interview. Be sure toclose the interview on a positive note.Dont wait to follow up. Follow up immediatelywith athank you emailor note, oreven a phone call, and mention s pecific reasons why you found the interviewer helpful.Dontforgettoalsosaythat you enjoyed meeting with them and hope that you would have the opportunity to work together. If you have met with multiple interviewers,personalize your communicationsby adding something unique to each email.

Friday, December 6, 2019

An Honest Perspective on Customer Service on Resume

An Honest Perspective on Customer Service on Resume What Is So Fascinating About Customer Service on Resume? While traditionally you might consider customer care for a service from a geschftsleben to a consumer, its also applicable within an enterprise. If youve ever worked in customer assistance, you are aware that it is a job which might not be glamorous, but is totally needed. Customer service is a significant portion of every company. Superior customer service ends in customers that are delighted with the service they received, but who may not go on to offer feedback or reviews for you as well as the business. In all honesty, customer service is a crucial part of a department in an organization and is more so in departments in direct and constant contact with customers. Do not await the client to confront you about being late. You ought to carefully listen to the client. If a customer gets beneath your skin or if youre frightened you will involve your individual feelings, step away from your desk or ask the client to hold as you take a few deep breaths. The above is a clear case of how sample customer service resumes are best structured and the best way to write them for high likelihood of succeeding. Your resume objective needs to be relevant and targeted to every different job prospect. Theres a high probability nearly all of their resumes will appear precisely the same. Generic resumes dont always have what is necessary to get yourself noticed. There are particular set of skills necessary for the customer service jobs. At the same time that youll learn many essentials at work, youre want to start out with a good grasp on some basic skills. Excellent customer service skills are crucial for many different sorts of jobs. Everyone can benefit from improving their customer service abilities. How to Choose Customer Service on Resume Skills lists generally speaking are tools you may utilize to help craft your application materials before you select a particular lokalitt. Resumes dont need to be one page. Heres What I Know About Customer Service on Resume Study the work ad carefully to ascertain which skills are definitely the most relevant for the position available. Importance of Resume in Job Search When youre looking for work, youll need to compose an application and send it to the business. Definitions of Customer Service on Resume The very first thing you could do is to locate a customer service resume sample thats at least close to the format that you prefer to create. For those who have a lot of experience in customer support, you can want to use a combination format to highlight both your years of expertise and accolades. A premium quality sample customer service resume will incorporate numerous suitable key terms and phrases that could comprise phrases like customer satisfaction, customer retention, processes or efficiency, based on the particular job. If youre professionally certified on technology o r a particular management practice that supplies a title, it would likewise be advantageous to note it at the commencement of your resume. The Battle Over Customer Service on Resume and How to Win It Luckily, there are lots of businesses offering employment services today. Even if you just happen to neglect to include things like the education section in the slightest. Theres a whole lot of focus on customer self-service in the contact center business, and weve got a portal that makes it possible for some of it, Iles states. In addition, there are resume writing guides that you are able to count on, and all you need to do is to get a study on it and gain knowledge on how youre going to make yours effectively. Providing satisfaction demands a comprehension of your customer profile and sensitivity to their requirements and aspirations. You must be alert to the job functions of a customer service personnel for you to be aware of the competencies regarding their work processes, which you might write in your resume. Some forms of customer-facing jobs do need an outgoing personality, but others dont. Problems are typical in workplace settings, which means you must understand how to work with others to verstndigung im strafverfahren with issues that inevitably emerge. Customer Service on Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone You must get an insight of how professional hirers pick out relevant sides of your skills from between the lines. Thus, take a while to brainstorm all sorts of public interaction youve engaged in. Based on the industry in which youre asking for a customer service role will be dependent on the precise skills you should do the job. If you dont know the remedy to an issue, the best type of support professional will secure a customer over to someone who does. Customer Service on Resume Ideas You should be attentive with all the things your client is saying. Many times, customer service professionals need to deal with people who might be dissatisfied or in need of experiencing a problem solved. Sometimes the customer care world will throw you a curveball. Include a few of the methods you have dealt with difficult customers previously. Customers outlook towards a specific service or product is tremendously affected by the employee whos presenting it. To compose the objection section of a customer service resume, you want to discover the significant tasks to be carried out at work. It takes in a number of different jobs. If you discover you cant honor a deadline for some reason, get in touch with your customer before the deadline and say so. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Customer Service on Resume Is Wrong Some customer service resume samples are offered on the internet, and they could have the ability to offer additional handy tips regarding inclusions, but they might not always have the most optimum structure. There is an abundance of resume samples readily available online. Its not essential to stick to just a single template when youre able to make one thats entirely your own. The template ought to be your idea generator.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Five reasons to get into HR

Five reasons to get into HR 5 Reasons To Consider A Career In HRPosted October 14, 2013, by Mike Kermode Theyre the strangers that come in to fix employee problems and workplace issues the faceless department upstairs in charge of morale and performance reviews. But theyre also the team taken for granted when the business is running smoothly, tirelessly working behind the scenes to hold the business together. If a business is a machine, then menschengerecht resources (HR) is the grease that keeps it well oiled. How an organisation manages its people has a strong bearing on how they view their work and their employer which, in turn, affects their attitudes and productivity. With a trend towards streamlined management and work practices, the last two decades have seen an explosion in HR as an industry and profession, with lots of jobs ripe for the picking for those with the aptitude and the qualifications. Forget about having to be a people person or a cold-hearted professional. Candi dates for this field need to be energetic, patient, natural leaders, determined, open-minded and customer-focused. With that in mind, here are five excellent reasons to consider making HR your vocation. 1. Opportunities From WHS coordinator to talent manager, HR positions can be found across all industries, mainly in medium-to-large companies. If you want to work in-house, youll be able to have your pick of employer from private sector companies, including banks, retail, tourism, construction and law firms, to not-for-profits and government. Some companies choose to outsource their HR processes, making HR and recruitment consultancies another big source of employment. The industry encompasses everything from employment consulting to career counselling, job redesign, learning and development, and remuneration so when we say theres plenty of opportunity, we mean it And, once youve developed base knowledge in the industry, you can open your career up to specialising in niche areas suc h as Work Health and Safety (WHS) and recruitment. HR professionals also have great long-term job prospects both in Australia and offshore 2. HR is diverse and challenging A lot of jobs fall under the umbrella of human resources. But a quick look at some of the roles and responsibilities involved in HR will tell you that its a multifaceted industry where you can work as either a generalist or a specialist in a specific area. Your day-to-day tasks can take you from recruiting talented people, to facilitating training and development and changing management strategies. With HR such an expansive industry, the scope for career diversity and expansion is enormous. Whatever your specific role, you will be integral in creating a positive, motivating work environment where staff morale is high and production is optimal, balancing the needs of employees and your organisation. 3. You play a vital role in the direction of an organisation The effect of HR management on an organisations product iveness, efficiency and culture is often subtle, but cant be overstated. Getting the right people into the business, training them and ensuring smooth communications and relationships all have a huge influence on a companys success. If you get behauptung things right, it will make the organisation one where quality people will want to work. That means that as an HR professional, youre in a position to make a real, palpable difference. You could change recruitment and training methods, create new communication channels, implement incentive strategies to drive good performance, facilitate close working relationships across the business, and boost productivity and profits by ensuring the wellbeing of your staff. In other words, you can make a real difference. 4. Its all about people While HR does involve specialised knowledge about employment law, employee contracts and change management, when it comes down to it, HR is all about people. According to the Australian Human Resources Inst itute, 34 per cent of people leave their job because they are bored 32 per cent due to not being promoted 27 per cent due to poor pay, and 25 per cent due to a poor worklife balance. All these factors contribute to wellbeing, motivation and productivity an employee will feel under-appreciated if looked over for vorrcken feel unfairly treated if theyre paid less than theyre worth under-motivated if not given responsibility and purpose, and disrespected if work demands overly impinge on their life. HR is therefore about figuring out what makes people tick. Having an insight into what motivates people, their values and attitudes to work and management, all helps you design and implement the workplace systems that will be most effective. And that can be challenging, because youre dealing with distinct personalities with different approaches to challenges and problems. So if you are a people person, theres a good chance youll love your work and enjoy the challenges of dealing with diffe rent personalities. Youll not just be helping the business youll be driving improved wellbeing for its staff. 5. An HR qualification can take you beyond HR HR has traditionally been a field that you can enter from other areas, such as management, administration, law and recruitment. A tertiary HR qualification will develop your fundamental HR skills and increase your chances of getting a job. Grasping the theories and methodologies of human resource management will help you then decide whether youre more inclined to specialise or continue to hone your generalist skills. These days theres a creeping movement towards integrating an understanding of HR practices into management itself. HR knowledge, skills and qualifications are becoming transferable to other roles not just those labelled as HR. If youre looking for a career in management down the track, your experience and qualifications in HR are going to be valuable assets. Statistics sourced from Job Outlook What else will help yo u? If youre thinking about going headfirst into an HR career, these are some useful attributes to possess Tertiary qualifications in a relevant field, or equivalent experience An interest in the business youre working within Solid computer skills (spreadsheets, graphs, word processing and data manipulation) Ability to manage a high volume of work and self-motivate Stellar organisational and analytical skills Strong written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to deal with people at all levels A good grasp of data entry, reporting and data management practices (which youll get with an HR course) Accounting skills (which youll also get with an HR course) Best of luckHuman Resources ResourcesIT recruitment consultant sample resumeIT recruitment consultant sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesLynette Corcoran-Sugars - Engagement Officer, The Australian Red CrossLiz Razzano - National HR Manager at Star Pharmacy GroupElise McFarlane - Group People SafetyEnquire zugnglich Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Human ResourcesEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Human ResourcesEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMike KermodeRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCoworkersEMPLOYER RESOURCESTop 8 team bonding exercisesWorkplace getting you down? Why not try Julias top 10 team building activities that could make every day feel like Friday.JOB HUNTINGNetworkingLinkedIn 101 How To Make A Great LinkedIn ProfileLinkedIn can be a professional gold mine but many people arent making the most of it. We show you how to boost your profile and, in turn, your career.Human resources career fact sheetA career in HR is a career worth having Find out more about this rewarding industry in our career fact sheet

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ASME Career Education Video Ioannis Miaoulis Medal Winner

ASME Career Education Video Ioannis Miaoulis Medal Winner ASME Career Education Video Ioannis Miaoulis Medal Winner Video Ioannis Miaoulis Ralph Coats Roe Medal WinnerIoannis N. Miaoulis is president and director of the Museum of Science in Boston, MA. He led efforts to create the museums National Center for Technological Literacy, which plans to introduce engineering as a new discipline in schools. As dean of the School of Engineering at Tufts University, he championed the introduction of engineering into the Massachusetts science and technology public school curriculum. At Tufts, he founded the Thermal Analysis of Materials Processing and Comparative Biomechanics laboratories.He is a fellow of the Massachusetts Academy of Sciences and a member of the American Society for Engineering Education. He earned a Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from Tufts University and a Masters degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He earned a M asters degree in economics and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Tufts.Learn more about Ioannis N. Miaoulis and the ASME Ralph Coats Roe Medal. The copyright of this program is owned by ASME.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compensation Trends for Forward Thinking Organizations

Compensation Trends for Forward Thinking OrganizationsCompensation Trends for Forward Thinking OrganizationsHow to research salary, salary calculators, salary surveys, salary comparisons, basically, all things salary, online, is one of the fruchtwein frequent requests for information received by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). It makes sense when you consider the importance of salary to attract talented people, retain key employees, and maintain an excited, motivated workforce. Given the shifts occurring in attitudes and practices about salary and compensation, this is not surprising. Organizations are struggling to keep up with changes in salary and compensation thinking. Gone are the days when organizations gave equivalent increases to all organization members. These salary increases, in the one percent to five percent range, sent the wrong message to underperformers. They left organizations with too small of a budget to adequately reward their top performers. Whi le many companies still use this as their salary criteria, forward-thinking organizations are thinking about salary and compensation in a very different way. According to an article on the SHRM website, to get the attention of your better performing staff members, you must offer a vernderliche pay rate of seven to eight percent, in plus-rechnen to their base pay. A system that rewards better performers cannot reward all staff members alike. In addition to sending the wrong message, your pool of money is not unlimited. You must use your compensation as one of your most important communication tools, to send a message about your organizations expectations and goal achievement rewards. According to Kiplinger, for 2017, Companies are forecasting 3% increases, similar to years past. But how that budget is spent may vary by person. Employees with the highest possible rating could see increases in the range of 4.5% to 5%, while low performers get an increase between 0.7% and 1%. Bonuses fo r salaried employees are projected to be 11.6% of pay, on average, with rewards for special projects or onetime achievements set at 5.6%, on average. Current Compensation Thinking Current thinking about salary and compensation includes the following components. Organizations need to develop a compensation philosophy and direction in writing that is reviewed by the Board of Directors and agreed to by your managers. According to SHRM, a typical compensation philosophy might state that the organization sets target pay rates at the 50th percentile of the competitive market, provides incentives for meeting stretch goals that result in pay delivery at the 75th percentile, and provides long-term incentives in the form of full-value stock options to senior professionals and managers to align objectives with those of shareholders. Particularly in an entrepreneurial, market-driven company, the compensation philosophy needs to include a method for grouping similar jobs for purposes of broa d banding, since promotional opportunities are limited.It should include a responsible, measurement system for awarding variable pay. Place less emphasis on increasing base pay, and more emphasis on distributing gains via bonuses that reward actual goal attainment.Goal attainment should be rewarded for both individual and organizational goal achievement to foster teamwork and eliminate the lone ranger mentality. Real goal achievement is attached to outcomes or deliverables that are measurable or offer a shared picture of what success looks like. They should not reward checking items off on a to-do list.As the cost of benefits has increased, their place in a total compensation package has increased in importance. Benefits are a major factor in your ability to attract and retain superior employees. Shifting the costs of some benefits to employees is a last-option scenario. Quality of Work Life Rewards The budget for salary, compensation, and benefits is not unlimited in most organ izations. Thus, in addition to traditionalincreases to base pay, and variable rewards,such as bonuses,profit-sharing, and gain-sharing, it isrecommended that youpay attention to the quality of work life rewards. These can include the following. Payment of a one-time,lump-sumpayment for a result or outcome that deserves recognition.Payment of smaller rewards withthankyou notes for above the call of duty contributions. These are not necessarily tied to an achieved result, but they are contributions, that when emphasized, increase the probability of results.Increased emphasis on additional benefits such as prepaid legal assistance, educational assistance, and vision insurance.Increased opportunity for flexible work arrangements and job-sharing. An organizational emphasis on the training anddevelopment of employees.Clear career paths, so employees see opportunities within your organization. In this last category, quality of work life rewards, your imagination is your only limitation. Th e key is to ensure fairness and consistency for similarly performing and contributing people, whenever possible. I encourage you to do even more for those employees who measurably contribute more to your organizations success. (Of course, this opens up a second philosophical debate fodder for a later article about how and whether your organization provides an equal opportunity for all employees to excel.) In summary, organizations are moving toward salary and compensation systems that emphasize flexibility, goal achievement, and variable pay based on performance, and less emphasis on increases to base pay. They are using bonuses based on profit and accomplishment to add toemployee compensation. The rising cost of benefits is causing a rethinking of their place in the compensation system.Forward-thinkingorganizations are emphasizing thequality of work liferewards and recognition to add to the value of the total compensation package. Researching Salary and Worker Compensation Onl ine Online salary information is often unreliable. It frequently averages too many variables into one range. Thesalary rangescover too many industries, nationally or internationally, and lump all of the data into one range. You may find the following websites useful. Payscale.comSalary.comJob Star CentralSalaryExpert.comU.S. and Canadian Salary Surveys Online You will also find salary information at professional associations such as the Society for Human Resource Management and others, but usually available only to members.

2018 college graduates will earn an average salary of $50K

2018 college graduates will earn an average salary of $50K 2018 college graduates will earn an average salary of $50K While previous research has found that more than a third of college graduates expect to have a salary of $60,000 in their first job, new data shows what this year’s grads are likely to pull in.A new analysis by global organizational consulting firm Korn Ferry shows that members of the Class of 2018 will rack up $50,390 a year on average - up from $49,000 last year. The company “analyzed salaries of 310,000 entry-level positions from nearly 1,000 organizations across the United States” to come up with the data points.What different entry-level jobs payKorn Ferry’s analysis took a look at the entry-level jobs and what they pay on average - here are the top five with the highest salaries: Software Developer: $67,236 Engineer: $64,066 Scientist/Researcher: $60,177 Registered Nurse: $54,454 Insurance Underwriter: $51,578 San Francisco has the highest salary for college gradsThe research showed what college graduates could make on average in 10 major cities. Korn Ferry Senior Client Partner Maryam Morse commented on the findings:“Of course the cost of living in some cities, like San Francisco and New York, is much higher than other parts of the nation, so it stands to reason that salaries would be higher, but regardless of location, it’s imperative that organizations start the recruiting process early to ensure they win top talent,” Morse said.Here are the cities, arranged from the highest salary to the least. San Francisco: $63,995 New York: $60,972 Boston: $59,460 Los Angeles: $56,386 Chicago: $55,177 Philadelphia: $54,169 Minneapolis: $53,766 Denver: $53,010 Dallas: $50,743 Atlanta: $49,584

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Importance of Professional Appearance

The Importance of Professional Appearance The Importance of Professional Appearance People still judge a book by its cover, and we judge other people by what we see on the outside. For salespeople, its vital to take this into account before you meet with potential customers. In a social situation you can show your trustworthiness over a long period of time, so if someone is put off by their first impressions, you have a chance to change his mind. In a sales situation youll meet with a given prospect only once or twice, so projecting the right appearance from the start is crucial â€" theres almost never a second chance. The Goal of Professional Appearances The goal is not necessarily to look as attractive as possible, although you will want to shoot for a pleasing “look.” If your appearance is attractive but not businesslike, you can end up making the wrong impression for a salesperson entirely. The idea is to gain your prospects trust by conveying the idea that you are giving them good advice when you suggest they buy your products. To that end, a businesslike appearance will get you farther than a superficially attractive one. Trustworthiness In a business situation, trustworthiness is based on several factors. People are inclined to trust businesspeople who are ethical, organized, knowledgeable, and reliable. These are the qualities most salespeople should strive to show in their overall appearance. The precise importance of each of these qualities will vary depending on your particular customer base. Selling to farmers and selling to bankers requires entirely different approaches to building your professional image. Business Attire Most customers will respond best to standard business attire. A basic suit, or a minimum of a tailored shirt and good-quality pants (for men) or a classic blouse and good pants or a skirt of moderate length (for women) is a good place to start. Clothes should be clean, free of stains and not wrinkled. Cologne or perfume is best used in moderation or skipped altogether, as many people suffer from allergies to these scents. Body Language Your body language also matters a great deal in sales situations. Simple things like sitting up straight, making regular but not excessive eye contact and shaking hands firmly can make a huge difference in how others perceive you. Ideally, you want to convey an impression of confidence and competence without coming across as being arrogant or overly assertive. Attention to Detail Attention to the details of appearance extends beyond your own body. If prospects and/or customers meet you at your place of business, then youll need to prepare your office to convey the same professional message. Your desk should be fairly clear with a few personal touches, such as photographs. Avoid excessive displays of your personal interests and hobbies, as these can detract from the overall impression. A framed certificate for first place in the golf tournament is fine, but covering your workspace with golfing memorabilia is a problem unless youre selling golf clubs. Organization You may be a somewhat disorganized person, but you dont want to shove that fact in your prospects faces. Keep any stacks of paperwork and other clutter discreetly out of sight. Better yet, train yourself to deal with tasks as they arise and then put them away in the appropriate places. Be sure to provide a chair for visitors at a comfortable conversational distance from your own chair. And have a supply of basic items such as pens, paper and business cards available at all times. Your Vehicle Your car should also reflect a professional appearance, as prospects may easily end up seeing it during the course of business â€" for example; a prospect might walk you to your car after a meeting. Keep your car squeaky clean and tidy outside and in, and tend to any dents or dings as promptly as possible.

Monday, November 18, 2019

3 reasons why you shouldnt abandon your job search in December

3 reasons why you shouldn't abandon your job search in December 3 reasons why you shouldn't abandon your job search in December You’re thinking about gracefully leaving your company soon in an effort to finally reinvent yourself for the new year, but doubt has set in.So after scouring job posting websites for weeks on end, the holidays come around and your hunt  comes to a screeching halt.Is December really the right time to look?While it would be much easier to sit back, relax, and worry about finding a new position once it’s officially 2018, here’s why that might not be the best approach.You can kill two birds with one stone at social eventsNetworking is always a good idea, so take advantage of holiday gatherings.Accounting Principals senior vice president Kathy Gans told Business Insider about how this can work in your favor.“The holiday season is filled with holiday parties and events, which makes it the perfect time of year to network… Fellow party-goers may be willing to put you in touch with potential connections,” she told the site.  There might be more openings than you thinkYou never kno w. Why stop now?Nancy Collamer, a career coach, speaker, author and blogger for, writes in Forbes that in December, “vacancies occur soon after some people receive year-end bonuses and quit.Ӊ€œEmployers are then often left scrambling to fill these openings,” she writes. “As a former HR manager, I can tell you that trying to bring on new staffers rather than taking time off for the holidays was a royal pain in the neck. I tended to fill those vacancies with more urgency (and a bit less caution) than at other times of the year.”You might just beat others to the chaseBree Silveira, sales recruiter at Glassdoor, told the site about this idea.“The job market notoriously slows down during the holidays because lots of people are planning family vacations and trips home and are not looking to make a move until after the New Year. By staying active during this time, you are staying ahead of the competition. December is the time to take advantage of and get in fron t of hiring in January when companies get their new hiring budgets,” she said.When you choose to apply is ultimately up to you, but keep in mind that just because it’s the end of the year, that doesn’t mean that you should stop your job search.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What Three Bullets Represent in Military Funerals

What Three Bullets Represent in Military Funerals What Three Bullets Represent in Military Funerals A standard part of any  military funeral is the ceremonial shooting of three volleys in honor  of the deceased. The  three spent shell casings are presented to his or her next of kin. Anyone who is entitled to a military funeral (generally anyone who dies on active duty, honorably discharged veterans and military retirees) are entitled to the three rifle volleys, subject to availability of honor guard teams. But where did this tradition come from?   Battlefield Custom of Three Volleys The tradition dates back to the European dynastic wars, which were between 1688 and 1748.  The volleys were shots fired on the field during a battle, signaling a pause in the fighting. It was intended to allow time for both sides to remove the bodies of their fallen soldiers from the battlefield. The two warring sides would cease hostilities until the firing of three volleys meant that the dead had been properly cared for and the side was ready to resume the battle. The three bullets represent the three volleys fired and the three words duty, honor, and country. Service Members Needed for Three Volleys The firing team in this ceremony can consist of any number of service members, but one usually sees a team of eight, with a non-commissioned officer (NCO) in charge of the firing detail. Whether the team consists of three, eight, or 10 service members, each member fires three times. Three Bullet Casings Slipped Into Folded Flag The military funeral honors also include a ceremony in which the honor guard removes the flag from the casket and carefully folds it, with the blue field of stars facing up. Then, the folded flag is presented to the deceased persons family as a token of gratitude for that persons service. The flag detail often slips three shell casings into the folded flag before presenting the flag to the family. Each casing represents one volley. This gesture provides a slightly different meaning for the symbolism of the three bullets in a military funeral. Some military  traditionalists argue that the shell casings should not be slipped into the flag as its being folded since doing so would require opening a flap of the flag. Instead, the shell casings should be retrieved and presented separately to the next of kin. Not a 21-Gun Salute This funeral salute often is mistaken by people who arent involved in the military as a 21-gun salute, although it is entirely different. The three volleys in the funeral salute are fired from rifles, not guns. Therefore, the three volleys arent any kind of gun salute. In the military, a gun is actually a large-caliber weapon, such as a cannon. The 21-gun salute stems from naval tradition, and it is used to mark certain anniversaries, salute heads of state, and reigning royalty and honor national flags. The number of  large-caliber guns used for the 21-gun salute varies depending on the protocol rank of the person being saluted. For example, if a president, former president, or president-elect dies, 50 guns will be fired at sunset at all military installations that are equipped for the salute depending on the protocol rank of the person being saluted.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Get Promoted with Tips Straight from your Boss

Get Promoted with Tips Straight from your Boss Get Promoted with Tips Straight from your Boss 1. Employers want to hire smart people, and an excellent way to show off your intellect and bring attention to potential missteps is to challenge your boss̢۪ thinking when you know he or she is wrong. The idea here is not to be argumentative or seek to undermine authority, but to craft well-developed points to address shortcomings in your boss̢۪ way of thinking. Bring the fact and figures that show just how your point is more correct or valid. 2. At the end of the day, all the screw ups, both small and large, wind up at the feet of your boss. So, keeping the boss informed of recurring and large-scale problems is a great way to give him or her time to work on a solution and to ensure that you are on top of the problem and have your own plan to fix it. 3. Navigating office politics is a slippery slope at the best of times, but we all have to work with a diverse set of personalities facing real-world problems that affect everyone around you. It is inevitable that problems are going to crop up and you are going to deal with feelings of resentment. But, unless there is a real problem, it is important to keep the drama out of your boss̢۪ face. The less gossip and complaints you lob through your boss̢۪ door, the more worthy you will show yourself to be for a bump up the ladder. 4. No one enjoys repeating themselves and most bosses have the expectation that they will not have to give directions more than once. For claritys sake, keep notes on all of your tasks and record everything you need to remember. And while you are writing down your notes take a few moments to think of any questions you may have about your work and bring them up right then. 5. One prerequisite of receiving a promotion is having your boss recognize your achievements. But that doesn̢۪t mean being arrogant and condescending. Confidence is a great characteristic to have, but shoving your accomplishments down your boss̢۪ throat won̢۪t get you anywhere. It is best to just let your work speak for itself, but if you are concerned that you aren̢۪t being noticed set up a meeting to give an overview of what you are working on and solicit feedback on ways to improve your strategy.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Trumps Transition Team is Hiring Presidential Appointees

Trump’s Transition Team is Hiring Presidential Appointees Trump’s Transition Team is Hiring Presidential Appointees Trump’s Transition Team is Hiring Presidential Appointees Presidential Appointee expert, Kathryn Troutman recommends: Prepare and submit your Presidential Appointee Resume and Cover Letter to the website! With President-elect Donald Trump preparing to lead the executive branch, legions of his loyalists and others seeking jobs in his administration will now hit the ground running with applications for positions as presidential appointees. UPDATE: Review the 2016 Plum Book for your Presidential Appointee Job Now! Trump Administration Resume / Application Page: Submit Here NOTE: Resume Place Writers will NOT write a first draft of any Pres Appointee application. You must write the first draft of the resume, objectives and cover letter. We will edit and target the content toward a specific Plum Book position. See Information and Request Edit and Reviews Here Its most important that you target your resume toward a position in the Plum Book, including the agency, program mission and position, says Kathryn Troutman, President of The Resume Place, Inc. Kathryn has advised Presidential appointees for five Presidential Transitions. Although each president decides some aspects of how these appointments are made, there is a more or less standard process. Given the president-elect’s outsider status, the process of the coming months may be more unpredictable. “There’s no way to imagine how a Trump transition will go,” says Mark A. Abramson, president of Leadership Inc. and coauthor of  Succeeding as a Political Executive: 50 Insights from Experience. Still, aspiring appointees can get a head start by reviewing the fundamentals. What are presidential appointee jobs? Thousands of presidential appointees hold a great variety executive and staff-level jobs - a small fraction subject to Senate confirmation - at the White House and with a galaxy of federal departments, agencies, offices and programs in federal government. These positions are typically offered to Americans who have demonstrated loyalty to the president-elect and who possess the knowledge, skills, experience and passion required. President Obama’s appointees, who are not in the Civil Service system, generally will tender their resignations before the Jan. 20, 2017 inauguration. There are about 1,400 Schedule C appointee jobs and about 600 of the 7,000 jobs in the Senior Executive Service are political appointments. How do I find out exactly which appointments Trump will make? Interested professionals can learn about the nature of appointee positions that will come open in January 2017, by visiting the so-called Plum Book. Here’s the  previous edition; the 2016 version will be released in December. Where can you submit your resume for a Trump Administration Political Appointee position? President-elect Trump’s team has created a web page for appointee applications. The website includes the webpage to submit your resume and cover letter at How and when are presidential appointees chosen? The president-elect, Mike Pence and his staff are moving forward expeditiously with as many senior appointments as possible. “Cabinet secretaries are now being selected. says Abramson. Each administration decides how much they want to delegate to the cabinet overall, and in terms of presidential appointee hires. The top appointments, which require Senate confirmation, have a cascading effect on how appointments proceed in the organizations they lead, Abramson says. Cabinet secretaries typically choose their agency heads, who in turn hire the managers who will report to them, and so on. So to campaign for a presidential appointment “you need to know where to enter into the picture,” he adds. What is the background of a typical presidential appointee? Presidential appointee applications come from high-achieving professionals with a wide variety of backgrounds, from the private sector and nonprofits to campaign staff, congressional staff, the civil service, state government, and military servicemen and women. In making appointments, each president chooses how to weigh candidates’ political loyalty versus their professional qualifications. What is a presidential appointee resume? Presidential appointee resumes should be detailed and 3 or 4 pages long. The resume should describe the applicant’s accomplishments, skills, subject-matter expertise, experience in public and private sectors, and education. The resume should explicitly address all of the position, agency and office requirements. The resume for non-competitive federal positions should be similar to federal resumes for competitive Civil Service positions. Samples are in the Federal Resume Guidebook, 6th Edition by Kathryn Troutman These are the  main sections of the Trump Administration Non-Competitive Job application: Please describe why you hope to be a part of the President Elects administration; Cover Letter; Please describe any additional qualifications; Resume (131,000 characters are permitted). After you copy and paste your text into these fields, you will select your desired agency, mission and position from a drop-down list. What does a presidential appointee cover letter look like? In the cover letter, the candidate for a presidential appointment should make explicit how the qualifications presented in his or her resume apply to any given position. The candidate should also emphasize political activities in support of the president-elect that might apply to the position; passion for a certain government mission; and even ideas for changes and improvement for the agency. As soon as the 2016 Plum Book is published, candidates should recheck position descriptions that might have been revised since the 2012 edition, and rewrite their draft resumes and cover letters accordingly. Then it’s time to submit the application and keep fingers crossed. For an article describing the Plum book, see G. Edward DeSeve and Mark Abramson,  Getting Ready for 2017: An Introduction to the Plum Book. For more information on how the resume experts at The Resume Place can help you prepare the necessary documentation, submit your application, and succeed as a presidential appointee, see our page devoted to specifics.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Using the Best Job Keywords for Job Applications Online

Using the Best Job Keywords for Job Applications Online Using the Best Job Keywords for Job Applications Online Applying for a job online can be a lot like a guessing game.For all the effort you put into marketing your experience and qualifications, the deciding factor that gets your resume into the hands of an actual person often comes down to using the right keywords.Most companies rely on computer software programs to review thousands of resumes and select the ones with particular keywords - not necessarily impressive accomplishments - so they can then be reviewed by a recruiter and, eventually, a hiring manager.Unfortunately for job seekers, these all-powerful keywords aren’t revealed in the job description - at least not overtly.Abby Kohut, a former human resources executive and founder of, said the best way to crack the code of these applicant tracking systems (ATS) is to put yourself in the mind of the recruiter and take your best guess at what phrases they would use to search for the best applicants for the position.“You look at the job description, read it word by word and say ‘would the recruiter use it to search for resumes?’ ” said Kohut, who recruited for 16 years at companies in a variety of industries including pharmaceuticals, health care, publishing and education. Now, she helps job seekers and is launching a nationwide tour to teach the tricks of the modern job search.One of the many challenges that she says her clients face is conquering these robotic searches.“When it comes to the automated systems, the problem you have is that the only way a recruiter is going to actually find you is if you have keywords in your resume that they have in their brain at the time,” Kohut said. “The person who shoots to the top is the person who has more than one keyword.”But the journey to the human recruiter doesn’t stop there. Once the keywords are identified, Kohut says they need to be used early and often within the resume, possibly in multiple forms.For example, she said if an aspiring accountant is applying for a job tha t cites “deep knowledge of Sarbanes-Oxley” in the job description, the phrases “Sarbanes-Oxley” and its common acronym “SOX” should each be referenced in that resume several times so it will be noticed and given priority by the ATS.Of course, you don’t want to repeat the same sentence either, so Kohut recommends changing the context each time.If a job description stresses a “high proficiency with Microsoft PowerPoint,” for example, she said that can be reflected in three parts: having made PowerPoint presentations, having taken PowerPoint classes, and having edited PowerPoint presentations of senior executives. It won’t win you any literary awards, but at least the strategy will get your resume in front of some eyeballs.“It’s really just a big game now,” Kohut said. “You have to get the computer to find you instead of getting a human to find you.”Experts have taken to calling this the “recruiting black hole” because so many resumes - good resumes - fall in, seemingly never to be seen again. But keeping in mind these tips on getting your resume through applicant tracking systems and the rules about e-mailing your resume to a recruiter will help you optimize your chances for getting noticed and moving on to the next step, snaring an interview.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Four underrated benefits of succeeding in autumn

Four underrated benefits of succeeding in autumn Four underrated benefits of succeeding in autumn You probably didn’t sharpen brand new pencils or pack a new backpack once summer had officially had its last hoorah, but if you’re like most professionals, the autumn season proposes a renewed dedication to work. Co-founder of Early Stage Careers, Jill Tipograph says this “back-to-school” energy is an unconscious drive that many have adopted since elementary school, offering a burst of productivity and ambition.“Starting from the earliest stages of our lives - through college and professional or graduate school - the cycle of dreaming big and getting underway is prevalent across industries,” she explains. “In the professional setting, early autumn is when the full complement of staff is finally all present and accounted for.”During this period, Tipograph says teams overflow their calendars with deadline-driven, year-end commitments such as financial deadlines, project updates and finalizing performance plans and compensation plans to cap off the business year. Thoug h you might associate goal-making with the New Year, the harder you push during the final three months of the year, the stronger you set yourself up for success in January.Here, some of the underrated of plugging away from now until that ball drops on New Year’s Eve:You will stand outWhen you’ve managed younger employees or interns, who have stood out the most to you? Likely, the eager, hardworking and dedicated busy bees who worked alongside you during a late-night deadline or who were always the first ones to raise their hand for any task, no matter how large or small. Though you’re arguably further along in your career than those entry-level kiddos, Tipograph says when you work diligently in the fall and keep your colleagues and manager up to date on what you’re tackling, you position yourself as a stellar employee. The effort, she adds, won’t go unnoticed when review season arrives in quarter one, either.“You can actively differentiate yourself by pushing to do more and wrap up loose ends for the team, based on work started earlier in the year. Everyone on every team wants to be able to document completed work for their year-end self-assessment,” she explains. “Helping make that happen leads to being recognized as the one who gets things done, building your professional credibility even at the earliest stages of your career.”As she puts it: you want to be the person that others will always remember for your good work, since those accolades will stay with you throughout your career.You give yourself time to look backIn high school, those three-paragraph essays required you to think creatively and retrospectively about a given topic. Though you likely won’t be graded anytime soon, conscious business coach Christine Agro recommends diligently reflecting on the progress - and pitfalls - you experienced over the past year.“Look back at what you wanted to accomplish this year, check off and have a moment of celebration for all that you ha ve done. And, look at what you didn’t get done, eliminate what is no longer relevant and highlight what you still want to accomplish,” she explains.Then, you can start to think on how you will be even more prudent and accomplished in the months to come. “Break the remaining goal into small actionable pieces and remember to celebrate as you complete each piece. We always forget to stop and celebrate,” she adds.You become more flexible with work/life balanceIf summer is defined by overindulging, autumn is when we are prescribed a dose of reality. Perhaps you put on a few pounds from all of those rooftop cocktail hours, or you fell off the fitness bandwagon thanks to triple-zero temperatures. Now that you’re back into a more predictable routine, Tipograph says professionals who set goals for themselves not only in the office but in their health routine learn valuable lessons about expertly managing their work and life balance.Whether you encourage your group of friends or you r favorite coworkers to join you for morning or afternoon runs, or you develop a strategy for actually making lunch-time workouts, the art of compromise and strategy not only fuels your body, but your mind.“If your fitness routine involved spending time outdoors after work, that may no longer be an option and you need to actively plan to engage in a different way,” she explains. “Plan to keep your workload at a steady clip while also planning for important things like eating well and getting exercise.“The point here is test out valuable trade-offs, rather than doing ‘less.’ Giving up an important aspect of your day to day, is never good, try things out and adjust the plan to find different activities that can still blend with your work commitments in the community where you are living.”You will know how you’re feeling about your jobWhen you’re wasting away on a lake or an ocean, dreaming of all the places you’ve yet to seen and adventures you’d like to take, co ming back into a stuffy office can feel daunting. This is when Tipograph says you can figure out if the “honeymoon” period of your job is over and you need to be re-energized - or if it is time to look for a new gig soon. When the latter is true for you, it is time to start planning, well, now. But if you think you could perform at a higher level with more responsibility - you have to ask for it.“If you are feeling that the novelty has not only worn off, but is perhaps tossed out with yesterday’s half-eaten bagel, you need to have a strategy,” Tipograph says. She suggests picking three things you like about the work and actively ask for more engagement.“This is not to say that you would dismiss other aspects, but asking your manager to help you do more of the type of work you love and feel most productive doing, while not mentioning the other things, is a positive approach to getting back to a more balanced view of your role,” she adds.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Chronicles of Listing References on Resumes

The Chronicles of Listing References on Resumes Finest approach to prevent that is to just not include things like personal interests whatsoever, and hopefully once you get called in for an interview, you'll have the ability to present some of your interests. It is essential that all references be made aware that they've been listed on an application in case a prospective employee chooses to contact them. Listing a person for a reference without permission could be harmful to your job application. If you've maintained that fantastic relationship with a former employer you will find not only they are an effective reference, but they'll be watching out for a position beside you in mind. For that reason, it's essential that the men and women you cite as references can guarantee your qualifications. References lists are a critical part of the work application procedure, together with cover letters, resumes, and interview follow-up letters. Your references ought to be warned about a possible employer calling them beforehand. Ultimately, adding references poses a danger of the applicant. You'll have better results in interviews if you stay positive. Thus, your information has to be clear, concise, enticing, and simple to understand at a glance. References list my post on how to generate your resume Aussie-friendly. As you can cut and paste your resume in the email, go through it to make certain bullets are in the most suitable place and sentences aren't crowding each other. One of the absolute most important aspects of being a true teller is honesty. The Job Hunter's Handbook provides you the tiny known inside tips and tricks to provide you with the inside ru nning and can help you secure Your Dream Job Quickly and Easily. According to Presenter s some experts Name the work objective isn't necessary For example To get a research associate position that will let me utilize my prior research experience and analytical skills. Building an excellent job resume is simple, especially in the day and age of computers with spell check. The Argument About Listing References on Resumes When listing references be certain that you call each individual to verify their participation. In the same manner, you do not have to list references, but should you do, make it as specific as possible. Second, your references may not wish to openly share private information. When you must provide references to a possible employer, the best method to do it is to create a reference page you are able to share with them. You also ought to state the length of time you have known the reference. Instead, the primary aim of an abstract is to filter details. You'll also discover a sample reference list. Below you'll discover a sample reference list. Listing References on Resumes - Dead or Alive? Don't forget that recruiters and hiring managers wish to be aware of if you're an excellent fit for the open position. Employers are looking for confident and positive people to fill their positions. They want to see how your past jobs have created new skills for you, so don't be afraid to show them that. Many prospective employers request a list of references in work application or at the conclusion of a work interview. References can boost your work application in a huge way. Job references should not ever be included on a resume. Also, it may appear obvious, but you need to never contact an overall manager if a position isn't open or a fellow professional is gainfully employed. Pay special attention to their customers to glean understanding of the types of businesses and industries the digital position will deal with. Specific experience that is related to the digital position is critical. Wait tables or tend bar, as an example, while you search for employment in your area.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Network Engineer Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About

Network Engineer Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About When the employer is convinced about your potential, you will certainly be granted with a chance to begin a network engineering career. Some businesses will also wish to understand the sort of training taken by you to hone up your network engineering abilities. Network engineering is getting a hot industry these previous years. Today, what it requires to be a network engineer isn't so apparent. Network engineers may also work their connections to seek out equipment that may otherwise be tossed out, Akin stated. A Telecom Engineer is a good example of this. The Demise of Network Engineer Resume More information are available on Microsoft's website. There are thousands of resume samples on the web to take a clue from. You are able to have a look at a couple of on-line services for examples so that you can picture it. All while being a small vague and general because a great deal of information about our network and the way it's managed is confidential. New Ideas Into Network Engineer Resume Never Before Revealed So ive been employed as an electrician for the past 8 decades, ive never worked in IT. If you're searching for work, no longer rely on just 1 solution to track down careers. You are interested in work. Locate the ideal automobile insurance quotes here at low rates. A massive bulk purchase of equipment may also result in relatively lower prices if you've got the capital available and understand how to work some subsequent deals, Morris stated. If you've got zero experience in an IT or customer service role, you might discover that it's tricky to land even the most fundamental of help desk jobs. Assess market requirements and determine your offering Think about your present job. Also, if you want to have achievements mentioned, you must put it to the qualification summary parts. Hence, you should be in a position to present your aims clearly and carefully in your CV. You've got to have clearly written career objectives. Speak with them about your suggestions and goals. Gossip, Lies and Network Engineer Resume You will then have to list off your work experience. Sales people utilize the exact same technique I'm recommending all of the time. Way any it ought to be emphasiz ed. Education and Training Training supplies you with technical skills. The aim of your enterprise card resume is to take part in an interaction with the man or woman to receive them to remember you. Your summary section is probably the very first thing a hiring manager will read, which means you wish to ensure it is the best aspect of your resume. With that awkward analogy from the way, just bear in mind that HR is typically the very first step in screening candidates. Writing a thriving paper consists of many essential elements whatever sort of academics work you need to finish. Ensure you print the cover letter on a fantastic excellent paper. Also ensure you customize the document to the job which you're applying for. Bear in mind there are a number of other candidates making an application and writing their resumes to standout from various other candidates. The Downside Risk of Network Engineer Resume Kevin's objective is to promote you with a 1 page resume. In the very first line, you should define yourself. Don't forget to decide on a quote or motto that's in accord with the values and demands of the organization and position you apply to. You've got to mention professional experiences in rather first line. When you see areas that you're knowledgeable in, be sure you list them here. Applying for a position in the computer and data technology industry can be difficult. Utilize linkedin jobs buy pattern paper on-line malaysia to harn ess the ability of your network and become hired. When you're interested in receiving work in the network engineering field, your resume should be especially catered to the demands of this discipline. The Foolproof Network Engineer Resume Strategy Attempt to receive your personality to show in your resume so you're memorable! The very last thing which you would love to do is usually receive a job which you aren't do. You meet somebody who needs something and you would like to offer assist. Most importantly take some comfort in knowing that a great deal of technical interviewers don't do it frequently, and typically only every time a role has to be filled.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What Is So Fascinating About Tech Resume Template?

What Is So Fascinating About Tech Resume Template? Eventually, however, since you don't truly love what you do, you quit taking on extra responsibility on the job. Nobody is doing validation work. The fact you have not been employed in the previous 2 decades or that you switched jobs often won't be held against you. Research proves that people have a tendency to find fulfillment in careers that provide them a feeling of autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Ruthless Tech Resume Template Strategies Exploited Our enormous variety of downloadable resume templates is totally free for all to use and a terrific resource to kick off the writing process. This template is simple to change colours, layout and fonts to fit your requirements. These templates have a lot of options to create your CV attractive and self-expressive. They are incredibly creative with many options and features that you hardly get to accumulate manually in a piece of paper. The Unusual Secret of Tech Resume Tem plate Well, to begin with, it's ideal to begin with a robust career objective that has to be in sync with the post that you're applying for. Following that, you can incorporate a personal summary if you are in the area for long. however, it isn't exactly necessary if you're a fresher. If you opt to use high school info, make certain it's really robust and appropriate content. At this time, even just the 1 page gives me fourteen years in the specialty. All you will need is a great resume, and you may use this template to assist you prepare one. Use the technical resume template near the top of this post. So simple to edit and customize. Since you will see, each cover letter will differ and require that you explore various attributes and techniques. Gaining the valuable experience you want to land the entry-level middle-class job your parents were handed together with their diploma. Developing a compelling resume isn't simple, even if you're at the C-level. All you will ne ed is a fundamental understanding of Microsoft Word, and you're ready to go! But What About Tech Resume Template? You simply picked the incorrect tech resume format. Whatever your answer is, it won't take long to seek out companies which are using technology and innovation to dramatically improve that industry. When it has to do with creating your resume as a technician, you've got to present your very best shot. Write the remainder of your automotive technician resume first. Others are later in their career, searching for a method from a job which makes them unhappy. The bullet point reveals that the candidate isn't only intelligent, but in addition hardworking. Therefore, it's important to talk more about the situations you've achieved not only the list of organizations you have worked with before. So as to do your job better, you need to screen technology resumes in a way that's efficient, yet powerful. Job hunting and interviewing can be quite stressful. Best of 20 18, clean and professional Resume Templates are excellent for practically any chance and assist you to acquire your fantasy job. Job Resume lets you create your very own personal brand logo in just a couple of minutes. Hence, no 2 resumes is going to be the exact same. What is Actually Happening with Tech Resume Template By way of example, Collins reported a single respondent claimed to receive five job offers from big-name businesses. You only ought to put jobs on a resume that are related to the role accessible. Employers are almost always interested in what you mean to bring to the table. Make certain you can present your future employers you could cut it upon your own if someone is out sick. Not to be overly draconian, but your managers really need to rate your existing capabilities so they can assign the right projects to you. If it comes to resume preparation, TopResume is here to assist. Our resumes are well-crafted and timeless, it is easy to adjust them depending on your requirements and use for several years. Tech Resume Template for Dummies 7 decades of experience is simply the cherry on top. It can be challenging to create a resume that uses skills and job titles to create an attention-grabbing story whilst keeping up a professional tone. If you get a pure sense of aesthetics, technical proficiency, and a good portfolio of work you're likely to have an easier time turning into an item designer than if you've got a health degree and don't know anyone in the tech market. Whether you're searching to re-brand or upgrade your present image, your physical appearance plays an important function. During an interview, an employer is most likely likely to ask you why you feel you're the very best for the job. A recruiter would like to understand what you know and what you've done. Rather than that, you decide on a respectable job with a good salary. Locating a new job, making new resumes and going to a number of interviews may appear to be an incredibly daunting approach.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for What to Write in Objective in Resume

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for What to Write in Objective in Resume The Hiring Manager is going to be motivated to read the entire resume to be able to locate extra info to substantiate her claims inside her objective. Yes, you're able to still convey your qualifications. Writing objectives for resumes can be challenging. You ought to have five objective statements. Adding a resume summary statement rather than writing a resume objective lets the employer learn more about you and what you can provide their company. Expand your objective to include things like a persuasive overview of why you're the proper internship job candidate. The employer's major concern is what you could do for them. What to Write in Objective in Resume and What to Write in Objective in Resume - The Perfect Combination One of the hazards of a resume objective is that you're able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how you'll add value to the business. For instance, if your target is to be a chief technical officer at a software company, but you're applying to a BPO company, you can't achieve your target. The objective ought to be straight to the point and concise, but it also needs to highlight a few explanations for why you'd be a priceless asset to the organization or organization. Therefore it needs to be worth time to research on the business and its present endeavors. You want to not just catch the hiring manager's eyeyou should make certain that they study your statement and say Whew! Also, employers wish to see customer affect your work has had. Developing a great resume can feel like an overwhelming job, but it doesn't need to be. Include resume in service resume to demonstrate that you have what it requires to manage a team. The Downside Risk of What to Write in Objective in Resume As it is, with no question, useful to obtain an interest of an employer in case you have effectively written it. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the form of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. A resume objective can explain why you're qualified for the job, even if it's the case that you do not own a lot of related experience. Resume is being thought to be a potent tool to advertise oneself for a specific job prospect. A Startling Fact about What to Write in Objective in Resume Uncovere d Simply select your default date format from the ideal menu and enable the autoformat feature finish up. By picking a template, you don't need to be concerned about the format itself. It's significant to choose the appropriate resume template to concentrate on every one of your attributes. You can pick the template for the place you would like to apply. New Step by Step Roadmap for What to Write in Objective in Resume Resume objectives can be a little controversial. From time to time, an objective on resume can lower the odds of succeeding. Because the career objective part might be the Initial part of the majority of resumes. In most instances, a resume objective is merely a couple of sentences long. If you're arranging a move to some other city, your present address may confuse the hiring manager. Today, no matter what job you're trying for, your focus ought to be the employer's needs. You are able to create a resume appropriate for practically any range of jobs so your resume is always prepared to be set in the proper hands at the most suitable moment. You will have to have some simple info and a couple dates. What to Write in Objective in Resume and What to Write in Objective in Resume - The Perfect Combination Include your GPA if it's higher than 3.5. Looking for work or transitioning to a greater position is quite challenging. As stated previously have to pick skills that have some relevance to the job that you're applying for. Below you'll find the top skills necessary to fulfill an administrative position. Finally, make sure to compose a new statement for each job you apply for, so the employer sees what makes you a great fit for that particular job. If you're looking for any position available that satisfies your qualifications, provide a minumum of one job title in which you'd be interested. You might be able to locate a job more quickly. Therefore, it is sometimes a competitive job to apply for.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Do You Put References on Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About

Do You Put References on Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About The experience section is likely to constitute the body of your resume. Needless to say, you can provide an extra reference if you think that it would make a difference or offer another insight. For instance, if the work focus is on social networking, give examples of your work which uses social media and social networking. For instance, if you're going into the work market for the very first time, you might only should list three references. Up in Arms About Do You Put References on Resume? There might come a time in your career in which you have to have a hard conversation with your supervisor. Following your interview, your references could be a critical component on whether you get a job offer from an organization. Not everybody stays in their jobs regardless of what the business and so sometimes references disappear. Well, you've got to provide your supervisor a sensible quantity of time to process wh at you've said and modify his behavior. Do You Put References on Resume - the Story The range of references you list is dependent upon your career level. Managing your references is a major component in managing your career. You might also offer the person who has an updated resume or list of your abilities and qualifications. Ask each reference if there's any information they don't want listedthis will help safeguard your contact's private info, Nolan states. Choosing the perfect personal reference is an extension of that skill and why you would like to have a list with a variety of choices. Quite often, a reference list is requested in the on-line application approach. Below you'll discover a sample reference list. The Do's and Don'ts of Do You Put References on Resume If you're able to find any of your references to likewise write letters, that's even better. If you don't are directly asked for just a couple of references, plan to include a minimum of three reference s. Just be sure your references understand that they could possibly be contacted. Second, they may not want to openly share personal information. References will be finished on you without your ever being aware of it. You can supply a list of references following your interview if it's requested. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Do You Put References on Resume Employers may request a reference list when considering you for work, therefore it should be in prime form also. It's quite acceptable to include references aside from your prior employers. Hiring agencies will search for particular terms in your resume to make sure that you have the experience they're seeking. After the interview, the possible employer will probably request references. If their interview procedure includes references, employers will request that you provide them. When you receive the interview, or are otherwise asked for additional information, you can give the full resume, including dates of employment. Although resumes should give all appropriate information related to previous employment, for example, phone numbers of previous employers isn't standard practice when writing resumes. The Do You Put References on Resume Cover Up So you get a superior feeling you're likely to nail your interview. The preferred strategy is for you to suggest a couple of references most relevant for the job that you've applied to. In case the opportunity presents, for instance, if there's a question about overtime, or work hours, you may be able to work in that your children are grown up now and you don't need to rush home to find anyone at daycare. For that reason, it is reasonable p ut your most significant fans first. The References section on your CV is an important part which cannot be entirely omitted. Listing a person for a reference without permission could be harmful to your job application. References form a critical portion of your job application. They can boost your job application in a big way.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Appeal of Resume Template for High School Students

The Appeal of Resume Template for High School Students Bear in mind that you're competing with other folks. A one-page resume is more than acceptable once you're just beginning in the area of work. The majority of the time when writing a high school resume, an individual might think what's the usage of mentioning the personal details in the resume. Keep reading to discover our top 3 strategies for writing a winning high school resume. Employers need numbers in order to completely evaluate the range of your bandwidth, states Nicolai. They want to know exactly what you did or learned so they know what you have to offer as an employee. It's not quite as difficult as you may think. You can readily get caught. The Pain of Resume Template for High School Students You can also check at any of the samples of different types of resumes for various kinds of careers. If you're looking to submit an application for a lifeguard position, your resume objective should mention all certi fications you have gotten. Either can demonstrate the dean you're more than only an application. Conveying any particular accomplishments or leadership roles you might have had is critical. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular purpose. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and they're your very first step toward new job opportunities. Strong resumes don't need to be lengthy. Senior year needs to be fun. High School Resume templates are a valuable resource for such students. Employers try to find staff that have a history of earning positive contributions. Potential employers will probably review the section on education first prior to reading different sections in the student-level resume. You've got to exploit your strength and concentrate on the information. You must find out strategies to adjust your experience to the demands of the new job and set it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. You just need to select the opportunity to thoroughly mine your experiences and determine how to present them to the employer. In that instance, use Glassdoor to find some insight from current and previous employees. You can't compose a single resume for many kinds of jobs. You want to run a collection of informational meetings so you build a network of people that you can reach out to when it is time to begin your work search. Examine the work ad to determine if you ought to add it. For an entry-level job at a financial institution, cash handling skills will be required. It's not harmful to describe all unpaid jobs like they were salaried. It is possible to also leave off any jobs that are entirely unrelated to the job that you desire. Your resume will be broken into sections. In case the student doesn't locate a suitable resume template, resume builders are another alternative for assisting the user to come up with the resume live. Think of what you're going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for several factors. The education section will probably be an important quality of yourhigh school student resumeso rack your brain for extracurricular pursuits. As a high school student, employers won't expect you to develop into an authority in your work in a week. They can learn all they need t o know about a candidate from their school performance, so your Education section needs to reflect well on you. As an issue of fact, students who wish to work while still in school would likewise be in a position to use these templates. You can and ought to consist of anything which you think is related to you as a student. You're going to see the very best college application resume on Earth. A typical college application doesn't always provide a student room to highlight all their accomplishments and experience. The very first section of your resume should incorporate information on the way the employer can contact you. You always need to make certain your resume is no more than 1 page and feature a wide variety of information. Use that as a guide to ensure you include pertinent info. Your contact information should always go at the very top of your resume, so that employers can readily find it.